Looking For Lawn Care in Abington Township?

Our services include mosquito control, flea control, lawn fertilization, weed control, and more!
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Family - Owned and Operated

When you choose us, you're not just getting a service—you're joining our family. Our hands-on approach ensures that every job is done with care and precision, reflecting the pride we take in our work.


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Customers trust us for our exceptional service, reliability, and personalized care. Our high ratings reflect our clients' satisfaction and positive experiences, ensuring that you receive top-quality lawn care every time. 


Exceptional Lawn Care in Abington Township, PA

Abington Township, PA, is located in Montgomery County and has a population of over 55,000 people. This township was incorporated back in 1704, and some of the buildings that were built around that time are still in existence today. If you would like to soak up the natural beauty of Abington Township, you'll want to visit Briar Bush Nature Center. This nature center features walking trails, a gorgeous pond, and an indoor animal habitat where you can see some small animals, including a possum, a bearded lizard, turtles, and more!

At Green Grass Lawncare, Inc., we offer high-quality lawn care and pest control services so that property owners in Abington Township can enjoy healthy, pest-free lawns. Our services include mosquito control, flea control, lawn fertilization, weed control, and much more.

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179 West Broad Street
Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM
152 Reviews
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Green Grass Lawn Care Service Area Map Telford PA

Keep Your Lawn Healthy & Strong With Our Lawn Care Services

  • Lawn Fertilization: We will fertilize your lawn five times throughout the year to ensure that it has all the nutrients it needs to grow healthy and strong.
  • Weed Control: We utilize pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments to keep your property free of weeds throughout the year.
  • Core Aeration: This lawn care service removes small cores of soil from your lawn to loosen any compacted soil. This will make it easier for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of your grass.
  • Overseeding: If your turf is looking thin or patchy, our overseeding service is just what you need. We will spread grass seeds across your lawn to fill in bare or patchy areas and increase your turf's overall density.
  • Slit Seeding: This service involves spreading fescue grass seeds across your yard to fill your lawn with beautiful, dense grass. After spreading the seeds, we will apply a starter fertilizer to help boost their growth.
  • Top Dressing: Our top dressing service will help control thatch on your property and supply your soil with additional nutrients.
  • Lime Treatment: Our lime treatments will help balance out your soil's pH level if it's too acidic and will also improve your lawn's ability to take in nutrients.
  • Lawn Insect Control: We offer treatments to protect your turf from lawn-damaging insects such as grubs, chinch bugs, sod webworms, and armyworms.
  • New Lawn Services: If you want to establish a new lawn from scratch, we have you covered. We offer sod installation as well as new lawn seeding, so you can choose whichever option works best for you.

We offer nutsedge treatments that are designed to eliminate this pesky weed from your property!

Flea Control, Tick Control, & Mosquito Control

Flea Control: This pest control service includes 6 treatment applications from mid-spring through early fall to keep your property flea-free.

Tick Control: We offer both liquid and granular tick control treatment options. Both of these options work great and will eliminate ticks on your property.

Mosquito Control: Our mosquito control service consists of 6 separate treatments throughout the mosquito season to reduce the mosquito population on your property. We also offer one-time treatments for special events such as weddings, parties, and more.

Contact Us Today!

Here at Green Grass Lawncare, Inc., we have proudly served commercial, residential, and HOA property owners in Abington Township, PA, and throughout the surrounding areas since 2004. We take pride in providing high-quality services combined with exceptional customer service.

5 Star Review

We saw GGL lawn size a couple months ago and gave them a try. They are prompt and come when they say they will. Our lawn looks great. We love it.

Diane Hickey
Main Office
5 Star Review

Always great with updates and accommodating our pets and landscapers schedules. Lawn looks fantastic. Very happy!

Jen Himmel
Main Office
5 Star Review

Great customer service and lawn care services are excellent!!

Jamie Pruitt
Main Office
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