stone home with nice front lawn

Looking For Lawn Care in Warrington?

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Family - Owned and Operated

When you choose us, you're not just getting a service—you're joining our family. Our hands-on approach ensures that every job is done with care and precision, reflecting the pride we take in our work.


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Customers trust us for our exceptional service, reliability, and personalized care. Our high ratings reflect our clients' satisfaction and positive experiences, ensuring that you receive top-quality lawn care every time. 


Lawn Care in Warrington, PA

Approximately 24,500 people live in Warrington, PA, a township founded in 1734 and coined "The Gateway to Historic Bucks County." Warrington is a great place to live and work, offering suburbia and a growing commercial presence. It also has a ton of land dedicated to parks, recreational activities, and agriculture.

Here at Green Grass Lawncare, Inc., we've been providing exceptional services to property owners in Warrington, PA, for 18 years. We can keep your lawn beautiful and healthy year-round with our lawn care services, then eliminate fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes with our respective pest control services.

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179 West Broad Street
Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM
152 Reviews
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Green Grass Lawn Care Service Area Map Telford PA

Our Lawn Care Services Include Fertilization, Weed Control, Core Aeration, & More

  • Fertilization: Our fertilization program is one of the most important lawn care services we provide and includes five treatment applications - in the spring, late spring, summer, early fall, and late fall. We use a granular, organic-based fertilizer to gradually supply your lawn with essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. With regular fertilization treatments, your turf will stay green, healthy, and strong all year.
  • Weed Control: We'll apply a pre-emergent weed control treatment in the spring to get ahead of crabgrass. Then, we'll utilize post-emergent weed control treatments from spring until fall to eliminate any broadleaf weeds that have already surfaced on your lawn.
  • Nutsedge Control: Don't let fast-growing nutsedge crowd out your lawn - we'll apply our post-emergent nutsedge control treatments directly to the growth, effectively killing it.
  • Core Aeration: We'll perform core aeration to pull plugs of soil from your lawn, creating passageways so that nutrients and resources can easily reach the roots of your grass.
  • Overseeding: We'll spread premium cool-season seeds across your lawn to encourage a thicker, denser turf, and we offer this service with core aeration to yield the best results.
  • Slit Seeding: If your lawn is struggling to grow healthy, green grass, then our slit seeding service is just what you need to help it. We'll plant our improved fescue seeds in the slits we create in the soil, encouraging quicker germination and root development. What's more, these seeds are top-of-the-line and naturally insect, disease, and drought-resistant.
  • Top Dressing: We'll spread a thin, nutrient-rich layer of a 50/50 mix of topsoil and organic compost material to improve your turf's health.
  • Sod Installation: Sod is a great way to establish a new lawn and see immediate results. We'll exercise precision and ensure proper installation of the pre-grown grass so you can enjoy your beautiful, healthy lawn in no time.
  • New Lawn Seeding: We'll thoroughly prepare the soil for the new seeds, removing debris and any remaining grass before smoothing the ground. Then, we'll plant the tall fescue seeds via hydroseeding and apply a starter fertilizer to give them a jumpstart on their development. Before long, these seeds will yield healthy, durable grass growth!

Grubs, chinch bugs, sod webworms, and armyworms won't stand a chance against our lawn insect control treatments!

Eliminate Fleas, Ticks, & Mosquitoes

  • Tick Control: Ticks are as much a nuisance as they are harmful, but we'll apply our tick control treatments six times from April until September/October to provide consistent protection from these pests.
  • Flea Control: Our flea control service consists of several applications throughout flea season to keep your property free of these pests!
  • Mosquito Control: Our highly effective mosquito control treatments treat your lawn six times from May until September/October. These treatments will drastically reduce the mosquito population on your property.

Save 10% On Flea, Tick, & Mosquito Contro

Call Today for a Greener Lawn

At Green Grass Lawncare, Inc., we offer our lawn care and pest control services to residential, commercial, and HOA properties in Warrington, PA. Whether you need fertilization, weed control, or mosquito control - we can do it all and more. 

5 Star Review

An excellent company. All services performed as described. All staff were competent, efficient and courteous. Various forms of communication were available and made interactions pleasant and easy.

George Dietrich
Main Office
5 Star Review

I had my lawn core aerated last fall. Nicely done with a reasonable price! I will hire them again!

William Fischer
Main Office
5 Star Review

We used Green Grass for a few years at our old home. We moved 3 years ago, our new lawn was more weeds than grass. Recently contacted Green Grass for service and after one treatment it looks so much better. Highly recommend, staff had always been great!

Pat K
Main Office
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