nicely landscaped yard

Save on the Best Local Lawn Care in Horsham, PA

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Family - Owned and Operated

When you choose us, you're not just getting a service—you're joining our family. Our hands-on approach ensures that every job is done with care and precision, reflecting the pride we take in our work.


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Customers trust us for our exceptional service, reliability, and personalized care. Our high ratings reflect our clients' satisfaction and positive experiences, ensuring that you receive top-quality lawn care every time. 


Lawn Care in Horsham, PA.

We offer fertilization, weed control, mosquito control, tick control, and more.

Horsham, PA is located in Montgomery County. Whether you are a long-time resident or just passing through, there is something for everyone. Visitors and locals of Horsham have access to amazing parks, eateries, farms, and activities like helicopter rides! With so much to do, who has time to take care of their lawn? That's where we come in! At Green Grass Lawncare, Inc., we take care of your lawn so that you can enjoy your weekends.

We proudly offer lawn care and pest control services to commercial, residential, and HOA properties in Horsham, PA. Some of these services include fertilization, weed control, core aeration, top dressing, tick control, mosquito control, and more.

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179 West Broad Street
Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM
152 Reviews
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Green Grass Lawn Care Service Area Map Telford PA

Lawn Fertilization, Weed Control, Aeration, Seeding, and More

We offer 3 different lawn care programs to match your lawn's individual needs. Our Basic program includes fertilization and weed control treatments as well as a surface insect treatment and a lime treatment. The next step up is our Best Buy program, which includes everything from the Basic program plus a grub control treatment in the late spring. Lastly, our Deluxe program includes everything from the Basic and Best Buy programs plus core aeration and overseeding in the fall. The lawn care program that you choose is entirely up to you and depends on the health of your grass and your goals!

Our other lawn care services include top dressing and slit seeding. We'll add nutrients to your soil and help reduce thatch through our top dressing service. For our slit seeding service, we use premium seeds that are resistant to insects, disease, and drought.

Check out this comprehensive list of our lawn care services:

  • Fertilization
  • Weed Control
  • Core Aeration
  • Overseeding
  • Lime Treatment
  • Lawn Insect Control
  • Slit Seeding
  • Top Dressing

Flea, Tick, and Mosquito Control Treatments

Summertime in Horsham means that you, your family, and your pets probably spend more time outdoors. It's time to protect yourself and your loved ones from pests that could ruin your outdoor fun, like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes!

Our team offers a flea and tick program with 6 visits every 4 weeks. We'll start the treatments in April and run them through September or October to protect your property throughout the entire season. Our mosquito control program also includes 6 visits, starting in May and running through October. We'll use a backpack fogger to treat all areas of your property, especially the common harborage areas.

Check out this comprehensive list of our pest control services:

  • Flea Control
  • Tick Control
  • Mosquito Control

Contact Us Today for a Greener Lawn

Why spend your precious free time outside doing yard work? Leave the chores to us! Our team has offered top-quality lawn and pest control services to properties in the Horsham, PA community since 2004. Our products are pet-friendly and backed by a guarantee. If you are unhappy with our services for any reason, we'll re-do the service at no cost to you. 

5 Star Review

We saw GGL lawn size a couple months ago and gave them a try. They are prompt and come when they say they will. Our lawn looks great. We love it.

Diane Hickey
Main Office
5 Star Review

Friendly, knowledgeable service. We moved into new construction and they didn’t push services we didn’t need yet. Advised us of the right time to overseed and when to fertilize

Tony P
Main Office
4 Star Review

Going into my second year with the service. They are very friendly and responsive to my emails and questions when the technician is there.

Subir Sehdev
Main Office
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