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Save on Lawn Care in Lansdale, PA

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Family - Owned and Operated

When you choose us, you're not just getting a service—you're joining our family. Our hands-on approach ensures that every job is done with care and precision, reflecting the pride we take in our work.


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Customers trust us for our exceptional service, reliability, and personalized care. Our high ratings reflect our clients' satisfaction and positive experiences, ensuring that you receive top-quality lawn care every time. 


Professional Lawn Care in Lansdale, PA

We have been offering exceptional services to property owners in Lansdale, PA since 2004!

Lansdale, PA is a beautiful borough that is located in Montgomery County. It is a popular commuter town as many of its residents work in nearby Philadelphia. But just because it's a popular commuter town doesn't mean that Lansdale doesn't have a lot to offer. This town is home to a popular attraction known as the Kugel ball, which is a large, granite sphere that is supported by a thin film of water that is pumped from beneath its base, allowing it to rotate freely. This community is also home to many parks including Hancock Street Park and Adams Avenue Park where you can go to soak in the natural beauty of Lansdale.

At Green Grass Lawncare, Inc., we offer lawn care and pest control services to residential, commercial, and HOA property owners in Lansdale, PA. Our services include lawn fertilization, weed control, mosquito control, and much more. Give us a call today at (215) 515-0409 to sign up for any of our services!

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179 West Broad Street
Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM
152 Reviews
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Green Grass Lawn Care Service Area Map Telford PA

Lawn Fertilization, Weed control, Core Aeration, and More!

At Green Grass Lawncare, Inc., we are proud to offer a variety of lawn care services that are designed to improve the health of your lawn so that it can flourish. Our lawn care services include:

  • Lawn Fertilization - Our lawn fertilization program consists of multiple fertilizer applications to ensure that your grass has all of the nutrients that it needs to thrive throughout the year.
  • Weed Control - We utilize pre-emergent weed control treatments to prevent weeds from sprouting up on your lawn and post-emergent treatments to target any existing weeds on your property.
  • Core Aeration - This service is designed to loosen compacted soil to make it easier for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of your grass.
  • Overseeding - We will spread grass seeds across your lawn to fill in any bare or patchy areas and to increase the overall density of your turf.
  • Slit Seeding - We will spread a variety of fescue seeds across your lawn and then help them grow by applying a starter fertilizer.
  • Top Dressing - Our top dressing service will add nutrients to your soil and increase your soil's ability to hold nutrients and water.
  • Lime Treatment - Our lime treatments are designed to balance out your soil's pH level if it's too acidic.
  • Lawn Insect Control - We can provide protection from a variety of insects that can cause damage to your grass if left unchecked, including grubs, chinch bugs, sod webworms, and armyworms.
  • New Lawn Services - If, for whatever reason, you need to start a new lawn from scratch, we have you covered. We can help you grow a beautiful new lawn using either sod or seeds.

Flea Control, Tick control, and Mosquito Control for Maximum Protection

We offer a variety of pest control services to help keep your property pest-free. Our pest control services include:

  • Tick Control - We offer a tick control program that consists of 6 treatments throughout the year to keep these pests at bay.
  • Flea Control - Our flea control program is designed to keep your property free of fleas throughout flea season.
  • Mosquito Control - This program consists of 6 treatments from May through either October or September to help reduce the mosquito population on your property.

Contact Us Today to Tackle Your Lawn Problems

At Green Grass Lawncare, Inc., we are dedicated to providing exceptional services to all of our customers. Whether you're looking for lawn care services, pest control services, or both, we have you covered! We proudly offer our lawn care and pest control services to residential, commercial, and HOA property owners in Lansdale, PA and throughout the surrounding areas. 

5 Star Review

Friendly, knowledgeable service. We moved into new construction and they didn’t push services we didn’t need yet. Advised us of the right time to overseed and when to fertilize

Tony P
Main Office
5 Star Review

Yard looks great and there visibly less weeds! Everyone from GGL has been extremely helpful and responsive.

Jeremy Powis
Main Office
5 Star Review

I have been using Green Grass for the past 2 years and my lawn looks great, weeds are gone!

Everyone is a pleasure to work with and I look forward to the years to come.


Hope Hamilton
Main Office
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